

Siguiendo con esta serie de entradas cortas, acaba de salir ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Preview, que entre las novedades más importantes incluye la primera versión para el público del Framework MVC desarrollado por Microsoft.

Plantilla para crear un proyecto MVC
Estructura de la aplicación MVC

Habrá que ver que tan bueno es esta implementación del patrón MVC en comparación a otras que ya llevan algo de tiempo en esto como MonoRail y Spring.NET. Aunque con respecto a este tema, el equipo que está tras el desarrollo de MonoRail ya expresó su posición:

Regarding the Microsoft MVC

To The .Net Community,

You are probably wondering how the recently announced Microsoft MVC project will compete with Castle's MonoRail.

We think that any attempt to offer more productive tools, better testability and better separation of concerns is valuable, no matter who is the author. We are certainly pleased to see that Microsoft is delivering something that allows a more agile and productive type of web software development.

We also believe that MonoRail has been providing the same thing for the past two and half years, and will continue to do so. We're grateful that MS has chosen to offer integration points for Monorail and the Castle stack and as soon as it's available we will be working to integrate it with the rest of our projects.

Is MS' MVC better? Worse? Only once we have used both will we be able to tell.